My All-Time Favourite Book

I have never been more upset to finish reading a book then when I finished this one. I am normally not the kind of girl to enjoy a stereotypical teen romance novel. The quirky boy, the popular girl, the somewhat unrealistic ‘poeticness’ of it all. They are just not the type of books I am generally drawn to, but this book was different. Although it had all the signs of a teen romance, it also had something more, something different. The characters had more depth, you had a reason to become attached to them. Before I veer off course, the book I am talking about (or rather, writing about) is All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.


The main characters in the book, Finch and Violet, though maybe not relatable to all teenagers, have endearing qualities. You slowly fall in love with Finch’s awkward quirkiness and how adorably, dorky Violet is. Then, to make things even cuter, they slowly start to fall in love.


Finch suddenly goes missing, but not without leaving a trail of clues to help find him. Throughout the book you learn more about Finch’s suicidal tendencies and Violet’s struggle with loosing her sister, which makes it even nicer when they fall in love with each other. After becoming attached to the characters it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy when they find and understand each other. All people want is to feel wanted and understood, and that’s all that Finch and Violet wanted too, and they found it with each other.


This is definitely my all-time favourite book, and I would absolutely recommend you read it. I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I know I enjoyed writing it!

“You are all the colours in one”,

Porcelain Princess


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